Tag Archives: order bulk roses online

Shipping Flowers: From The Farm To Your Door!

Wholesale-Flowers-Advantages of buying Wholesale Ecuadorian Roses Part 1 5

How To Buy Roses Online And How to Choose The Best

Viva Orchids – Your long-lasting happiness with Orchid Arrangements

Wholesale-Flowers Magnaflor - Viva Orchids – Your long-lasting happiness with Orchid Arrangements portada 2

Wholesale Roses Ecuador – Why Are They The Best Roses In The World?

ecuadorian roses

Why do girls like flowers so much?


Rose Color Meaning

The Ultimate Guide to Valentine’s Day Flowers


Have you been shot by one of Cupid’s arrows? If so, then you are likely looking for the perfect way to express your love and adoration this Valentine’s Day. You’re not the only one! According to the National Retail Federation, “Total spending is expected to reach $19.6 billion” for Valentine’s Day in 2018, with the […]

How Successful People Make the Most of Their Flowers for Valentine’s Day

Wholesale-Flowers Magnaflor -How Successful People Make the Most of Their Flowers for Valentine’s Day

You don’t want to be one of those people with crazed eyes rushing around last minute trying to find a decent bouquet on Valentine’s Day. RetailMeNot claims, “80% of partnered Americans expect to receive something from their significant other to celebrate the occasion,” but only 3 out 10 people shop for Valentine’s Day ahead of time.

Saint Valentine, a scent laden with Love is very close

Wholesale-Flowers Magnaflor Saint Valentine, a scent laden with love is very close

Valentine’s Day History


    Happy Valentines Day!Reference: https://www.pildorasdefe.net/santos/celebraciones/14-febrero-San-Valentin-Sacerdote-y-martir-Patron-enamorados Credit: Austin Stewart