Author Archives: Bermeo Vivian

Saint Valentine, a scent laden with Love is very close

Wholesale-Flowers Magnaflor Saint Valentine, a scent laden with love is very close

Tips for moments of crisis.


We know that industries in general have suffered a sharp global decline lately and the flower industry is no exception… The issue of COVID-19 has made a big impression on us and we cannot stop.If you are a florist, this topic is definitely of your interest. The last months have been very hard and sometimes […]

COVID-19 impacts the florists

COVID-19 impacts the florists

COVID-19 impacts the market. So as a florist you must be prepared…The new virus known as COVID-19 is having a very significant impact on world markets and florists are in large part being affected by their local businesses.Every day it becomes a bigger challenge since floral retail businesses mostly depend on the traffic of people […]

The really meaning of the flowers


Did you know that the history of flowers dates back to ancient Greece? It was there that they made themselves known and their meanings and uses were implanted. From there on, the West took that knowledge to stay to this day.Thus it is known that each flower has its particular meaning, we can express feelings […]

What kind of couple fits with you?


In @magnaflor we receive orders of flowers wholesale and retail daily. As well as bouquets loaded with messages of love for that ideal person, and we wonder, is Valentine’s day a day reserved only for couples? We think not!That day has a special meaning and we can use it in our favor. We all have […]

Do you want to turn your garden into a wildlife refuge?


It is overwhelming the way we live today Our desire to control everything, know everything, and worse still believe ourselves owners of this world, this idea has aroused in a global drama of which we are part without even realizing it. We assume that everything that inhabits this beautiful planet belongs to us, and the […]