Your wedding anniversary is a summer anniversary and you should consider yourself lucky!
Summertime is the perfect backdrop for trips, hikes and outdoor dining. Believe it or not the seasons can affect our moods and for most the warmer weather helps make our spirits high. Choosing the right summer anniversary flowers is always key to making the moment memorable. Certain colors are appropriate for different seasons, and we are here to help you out. Here are some of our favorites for showing your loved one how much you care. Super Sun RoseShow your lover that your heart is as big as the sun! The Super Sun rose is a very bright, XXL bloom variety with a very strong stem. This variety does not hold back. The moment your lover sets their eyes on these beauties, there will be no question regarding your love, dedication and passion. The Super Sun lives up to its name, it is so big and vibrant that you and your lover will feel the warmth of the sun long after the sun goes down. Malibu Rose Like its name indicates, this flower would be perfect to present to your lover beachside, or poolside if that is your only option! This flower is perfect blend of a hot pink with white edges. Take a look and imagine you and your lover, next to some cool blue water, and you present them with these elegant, playful roses. You will not want to miss these, and they look as good in the sun as they do in moonlight. They are simply perfect for summertime romance. Hard Rock RoseThis pink-peachy variety is full of delicate passion. This flower gives off an energy that celebrates life and intimacy. Celebrating life and being close to a loved one is what summer memories are made of. The Hard Rock rose is perfect for a summer anniversary. The warmth of its petals mimics the warmth you receive from the sun. Its pink-peachy mixture is bold, but there is still an element of mystery. Bring a bit of intrigue to your summer anniversary celebration with the Hard Rock.Featured Image: Malibu RoseCredit: Austin Stewart