Explore The Mystery of Rainbow Roses

rainbow rose, multicolored rose petals

Explore The Mystery of Rainbow Roses

Rainbow roses are a whole mystery and for many farms a secret. The rainbow rose normally doesn’t get sprayed with colors but uptakes the ink in a natural way.rainbow rose, multicolored rose petalsThe Dutch flower company was the first company who realized this was possible, the owner Peter van de Werken, who produced them by developing a technique for injecting natural pigments into their stems while they are growing to create the striking multi-colored petal effect. The original Rainbow Rose has the 7 colors of the rainbow; this rose has become really popular in the category of tinted roses.

With the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet it is a breathtaking rose.The dyes are produced from natural plant extracts and are absorbed by the flowers as they grow.A special process then controls how much color reaches each petal with huge results. By treating the stem with natural pigments, the Dutch Flower company has managed to make each petal in a different color. The pigment is absorbed by the stem and travels to the petals where it changes the color of the hue.

There is also the way of splitting the stem and dipping each part in different colored water, the colors are drawn into the petals resulting in a multicolored rose.Research showed that the best rose to use color as a rainbow rose is the Vendela rose, a cream coloured Hybrid Tea cultivated in the Netherland, Colombia and Ecuador.

Through Magnaflor you will obtain roses that come directly from the farms in Ecuador. Through the system of purchase on demand, only when the customs places an order, the flower will be cut and prepared for the shipment, in this way the customer receives the freshest flower possible, ensuring supreme quality and unbeatable flower duration.

Credit: Mkt